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Do you see “Notification error: cannot execute repllog.exe” too often?

Hello, guys! I’ve been out of here for more than year! Huh! I feel lonely without you, don’t you? :)
Now I want to write you about my investigations on one strange bug that happened to my smartphone.
I had i-Mate sp5m running Windows Mobile 6. It wend mad at the end of February (i remember, I’ve moved to another place of living that days). Symptoms were:

  • Messagebox with caption “Notification error” and text one of “Cannot execute repllog.exe”, “Cannot execute calnot.exe”, “Cannot execute clocknot.exe” or about another executable
  • It was impossible to click “Ok”, I’ve pressed “Home” button and it went back to homescreen.
  • After that messages phone may freeze completely until I remove/insert battery.

I’ve heard about another Windows Mobile-devices (Standard, Professional), for example, HTC Diamond, Touch Pro.
More to that, I’ve noticed that the problem only occurs inside low-signal areas and, mostly, at the same places. Then I googled some info about excessive items in DB_notify_events, which should be removed with special utilities and blah-blah-blah. I supposed, if it is the solution, hard reset with restoring WM5 will be the solution, too. So did I.
But the problem stayed with me.
Restored WM6. Googled more and found (It’s a pity that I don’t remember, where) that the problem could raise from Date/Time update from a cellular network. I followed: “Start -> Settings -> Clock & Alarm -> Date & Time -> Automatic Time/Time zone”, Disabled it and - I’t a miracle! - never seen that “Cannot…” again!

Now I think I know the reason for that errors. According to GSM recommendations, the phone should search a cell with a better signal if current cell signal is low. Each cell is connected to exactly one BSC (Base Station Controller), and all cells connected to one BSC have the exactly same time. But BSCs are not time-syncronized (!!!) and when the phone switches to the cell at another BSC, it can acquire a different date/time. And when the time changes, DB_notify_events got another bunch of events (for example, a task to check if it is the time for alarm to sound). And this queue may grow too quickly if time changes too often and - voilas!
Good luck!

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11.16 pm


  1. Вот только в WM6.1 нет настройки автообновления времени, как и настройки автоперехода на летнее время :(

    Comment by bug — 2009-05-06 @ 11.39 am

  2. Strange… I have exactly WinMo 6.1 (Tornado build) and it does have such a feature.

    Comment by admin — 2009-05-06 @ 12.17 pm

  3. [...] Do you see “Notification error: cannot execute repllog.exe” too often? – Apr 11, 2009. I had i-Mate sp5m running Windows Mobile 6. It wend mad at the end of February (i remember, I've moved to another place of living that days). [...]

    Pingback by Repllog.exe Error Windows Mobile – wavespell.net — 2017-09-09 @ 7.41 pm

  4. [...] Do you see “Notification error: cannot execute repllog.exe” too often? – Apr 11, 2009. Messagebox with caption “Notification error” and text one of “Cannot execute repllog.exe”, “Cannot execute calnot.exe”, “Cannot execute. Hp Error Code 257 Alimar Technologies Corp – Provider of MVME CPU’s, MVME CPU Sales, Service & Repair rc2574, ftp return code = 27150, error code = 0001. – rc2574, ftp return code = 27150, error code = 00010. 257 "PATHNAME" created. not of Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Takko + cola = takkola), took some trial and error experimentation. The [...]

    Pingback by Error Repllog.exe — 2017-10-29 @ 4.34 pm

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