Version 0.2 released
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- (fix) text output is corrected. Now, if it doesn’t fit in one line (such as charging mode), plugin will automatically increase its height. Graphs will have increased height, too.
- (fix) added the note about storing stats file on the Storage Card (see description of the StatFilename parameter) on my sp5m. Please, pay attention if you noted a similar behavior with your smartphone.
- (new) output splitted into pages (turn joystick right-left to switch). Basic is the first page. It will return to the first page 30 seconds after last switching between pages.
- (new) average battery consumption graph added (this is the second page). One point on the vertical scale equals to one percent of discharge, one point of horisontal scale is one hour.
- (new) the estimated time till the end of the charging added (further details are in the description of the plugin output).
- (new) parameter TargetDischargePercent added.
- (upd) first page text contents changed. As before, depending on the current operating mode, it has new useful values.