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February 15, 2007

CallHistoryExport - экспорт списка звонков

Скачать CallHistoryExport.

Общее описание

CallHistoryExport - небольшая утилита для экспорта списка звонков. При запуске выгружает информацию обо всех звонках в текстовый файл. По завершении работы выводит общее количество сохранённых записей.

Может оказаться полезной для статистической обработки, анализа направлений звонков и т.д.
Да и мало ли зачем ещё может понадобиться быстро выгрузить все совершённые (и несовершённые тоже) звонки из телефона ;)

?мя файла не настраивается и всегда будет “\callhistory.tsv”.
Устройства на базе Windows Mobile 2003 смогут сохранить такой файл, но при перезагрузке файл будет утерян.

Совет: ограничение на максимальное количество записей о звонках задано в реестре в
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/ControlPanel/Phone/CallHistoryMax (DWORD)

Формат выходного файла

Разделение полей - символ табуляции.
Разделение записей - перевод строки.


  • IOM - направление звонка (Incoming, Outgoing, Missed).
  • number - номер либо no number.
  • name - имя из адресной книги на момент совершения звонка либо пустое поле.
  • numbertype - тип номера (m, w, h, rdo, w2, h2 и т.д. - стандартные типы номеров в адресной книге).
  • timestart - время начала звонка в формате “год.месяц.день часы:минуты.секунды”
  • duration - длительность звонка в секундах.
  • roam - признак совершения звонка при нахождении в роуминге (roam либо local).
  • сonnected - признак успешного установления соединения (Connected либо busy/no answer).
  • ended - признак успешного завершения звонка (Ended либо Dropped).
  • CallerIdType - тип called Id (CID_Available, CID_Blocked либо CID_Unavailable).


Утилита работает на смартфонах под управлением Windows Mobile 2002 (и моложе) Smartphone Edition. Проверялось на T-Mobile SDA (wm2003SE), I-Mate sp5m (wm5). Также, будет работать под Windows Mobile 2003 (и моложе) Phone Edition (qtek S100, TyTN и т.д.).


After export is done

Рубрика: Без рубрики — Developer @ 1:22 am

12 Комментариев »

  1. Hi Vitaly,

    I was just to work out how to write a similar application for a project I am working on, when I can across your excellent application. Would you be willing to sell me the source code, based on the understanding that I will only use it for this project, and will not publish or make the code available to anyone else?

    Alternatly, would you be prepared to write me a custom extractor, with a few modifications?

    Regards, Adrian

    Комментарий от Littlebrook106 — June 21, 2007 @ 7:43 pm

  2. I’ve emailed you CHE’s source code.
    The source have no 300-limit but WM5 exports only first 300 records. It looks strange for me. Probably registry search will reveal one more interesting value…

    If you need more records to get or have to write call log into the phone memory (like phone backup software do) you have to access data stored in .vol-files (see CeMountDBVol, CeOpenDatabaseEx2, etc. methods). It is more complex technique but - as a regard :) - gives more flexibility (and data) instead.
    I hope some day I rewrite CallHistoryExport this way.

    Good luck!

    Комментарий от admin — June 24, 2007 @ 3:58 pm

  3. Hi Vitaly

    I’d like to write my own script to monitor my calls, but I don’t know in my MDA Compact where to access data. Are they in file or in registry?

    Thank you for answer


    Комментарий от mariasx — June 29, 2007 @ 9:11 am

  4. Call records are stored in .vol database files (not plain text, of course).

    Комментарий от admin — June 29, 2007 @ 10:52 am

  5. Privet Vitaly!:)
    I would to know If wm2003 writes in registry as wm5 values as: Active Call Count and IncomingCallerID in real time. In wm5 it is in HKLM System state Phone. In wm2003 i couldn’t find it.
    I only want to have a way to know if a call is arriving and the caller number in real time. Do You know a symple sistem to get it without wirting C++ or C ?. I prefere to parse the registry or a file…
    Bolshoe spacibo i spokoinoi nochi!!!

    Комментарий от Lava — September 8, 2007 @ 1:09 am

  6. Hello, David,
    I have never tried to do such a thing. Well, I’ve just searched thru a registry for a caller number while a call was active. No entries were found…
    P.S. Ne za chto! Horoshih vyhodnyh! (= Not at all, have a nice holiday!)

    Комментарий от admin — September 8, 2007 @ 1:38 am

  7. I appreciate this utility very much. Is it possible some additional automation? A perfect feature set for me would include:
    - A Shortcut on Start Menu
    - Program launches and splash screen for Accosto closes automatically
    - Resulting callhistory.tsv file is automatically added to an Outlook message and sent to my e-mail address.
    - A scheduling option performs this task automatically every 24 hours

    Thank you again for a wonderful and invaluable utility.

    Troy Taylor

    Комментарий от TSET1 — November 13, 2007 @ 7:49 am

  8. Hi, I really like what you have done. May I have a copy of the source code as well? I would like to change the location where the .tsv file is stored (storage card) and maybe a few other things as well. Thanks for the cool app!!

    Комментарий от robert — June 26, 2008 @ 4:21 am

  9. Hi, Robert!
    Check your email.

    Комментарий от Developer — June 27, 2008 @ 8:35 am

  10. Hi, I also interested with CHE. I would like to know if i can have the source code as well.

    Комментарий от dinn — June 16, 2009 @ 5:52 am

  11. Question
    Long story, but suffice to say i need to be able to edit the information in the call log, suggestions?

    Комментарий от ajthne — July 7, 2009 @ 5:11 pm

  12. CHE doesn’t allow this.
    You may try some phone backup software, they definitely write entire call log :)

    Комментарий от admin — July 7, 2009 @ 6:56 pm

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