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FileKiller. A tool to delete orphan .mpb-files

I’m really sorry that I have no free time neither to improve BLifePlugin or any other of my projects nor to research your problem cases. In fact I’m contributing to gpsVP project (GIS system for Windows Mobile Smartphones, PPC or WinXP), adding an ability to work with raster maps (now GoogleMaps are supported in latest beta publicly available, GoogleSatellites to come really soon, maybe mid this week).

So… Let me give you small tool from my archive (it took me more time to create an installation cab than to write it :) ).

I have used my T-Mobile SDA (Windows Mobile 2003 SE) for about a year and found that duration of a backup process grows every week. I have noticed that Windows Mobile leaves empty .mpb-files at /Storage/Windows/messaging each time sms in Inbox becomes read. I have written an utility to kill such a files every boot. You need this tool if you have significant amount of empty files in abovementioned directory.

Attention! Install it into your device internal memory, not Storage Card!

Download FileKiller (8Kb)

Filed under: New version — Developer @ 3.36 am


PluginAdapter: bridge the gap

I like to make bridges. At this time I have something to present to you - the small WinMobile inter-platform bridge. Between Windows Mobile Smartphone and its brothers: PocketPC and PocketPC Phone Edition.

PluginAdapter is a PocketPC Today plugin and can host virtually any smartphone homescreen plugin. It’s still in beta stage. I’m sure it doesn’t fit all your needs, not optimized, not bug-free. But it was born into this world.

Get it here :)

Filed under: New version — Developer @ 1.56 am


BLifePlugin v0.3 released

Download it.

Read more about BLifePlugin.


  • (new) some standard plugin parameters added. font-face, font-size, font-weight, fgcolor, bgcolor, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top are now parsed both from <plugin> and <default> tags (plugin has more priority, of course).
  • (new) CPU load monitoring added. Plugin background will be painted with HighCPULoadBgColor when the average CPU load exceeds HighCPULoadPercent. It is very useful to see if any background application consumes significant amount of CPU thus leading your device to drain more battery power.
  • (new) GetSystemPowerStatusEx will be called when GetSystemPowerStatusEx2 fails. But Voxtel W210 still doesn’t work with this standard API. A kind of magic…
  • (fix) for PocketPC (use PluginAdapter to run this plugin on PocketPC): now all the time the device has been in ’sleep’ mode is considered as working. Per-hour discharge percent will be calculated as all discharge divided by hours.
Filed under: New version — Developer @ 3.13 am


PluginAdapter is coming…

PluginAdapter that allows Windows Smartphone homescreen plugin to run on PocketPC (Phone Edition as well) as Today plugin is coming soon. Very soon.

Filed under: New version — Developer @ 3.28 am


CallHistoryExport released

When I was about to change my smartphone, I have set my mind on keeping my call history. I thought that I may export it from old phone and then import on new one. I’ve got stuck on importing since no legal API available to make imports. But export part has already been done. Hope you’ll find it useful.

Read more about CallHistoryExport.

Filed under: New version — Developer @ 1.56 am


Version 0.2 released

Download it.

Read more about BLifePlugin.


  • (fix) text output is corrected. Now, if it doesn’t fit in one line (such as charging mode), plugin will automatically increase its height. Graphs will have increased height, too.
  • (fix) added the note about storing stats file on the Storage Card (see description of the StatFilename parameter) on my sp5m. Please, pay attention if you noted a similar behavior with your smartphone.
  • (new) output splitted into pages (turn joystick right-left to switch). Basic is the first page. It will return to the first page 30 seconds after last switching between pages.
  • (new) average battery consumption graph added (this is the second page). One point on the vertical scale equals to one percent of discharge, one point of horisontal scale is one hour.
  • (new) the estimated time till the end of the charging added (further details are in the description of the plugin output).
  • (new) parameter TargetDischargePercent added.
  • (upd) first page text contents changed. As before, depending on the current operating mode, it has new useful values.
Filed under: New version — Developer @ 12.48 am


BLifePlugin was born

the BLifePlugin was born into this world. Version 0.1.

You may want to get it from the Download section.

Filed under: New version — Developer @ 12.00 pm

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